I am actively soliciting interesting and useful command line examples.
Please include a detailed explanation of what your command does when you
submit it. :)
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Linux Tips.
Here are some like-minded sites:
The Linux Gazette - Monthly | |
Portico - Collection of helpful tips | Linux Newbie |
Tune Linux | Scrounge - LinuxTips |
= Sections:
Section name | * Last updated: * |
1999.0506 | |
2003.0128 | |
2003.0905 | |
2003.0905 | |
2003.0916 | |
1999.0703 | |
2003.0917 | |
1999.0605 | |
2003.0128 | |
2003.0917 | |
1999.0605 | |
2003.0917 | |
2003.0917 | |
1999.0506 | |
2003.0917 (Finally) | |
2003.0128 *** NEW / Under Construction *** |
2000.0219 |
' man <command / exec> ' == MANUAL page (HELP); also try '
<cmd> --help '
+ (Type ' / ' at the prompt to Search for text)
+ (' q ' == Quit)
+ (' < ' == Top)
+ (' > ' == Bottom)
+ (' h ' == Help for the ' less ' program that ' man ' uses for its display)
' man hier ' == Explanation of file / directory system
' info <command> ' == Alternate help (More likely the most
updated source)
+ While Inside info:
+ <Space> == PageDown
+ <Del> == PgUp
+ b == Beginning (Top)
+ n == Next node
+ m == Menu select (type word)
+ d == Directory (Index)
+ q == Quit
+ h == Complete internal help for Info
^C == Stop current ForeGround process
^D == Logout / Exit current Shell or chroot environment.
^H == <BackSpace>
^L == CLS
^\ == Kill current process / program with core dump
^Z == Interrupt current running process / cmd
+ ' fg ' == Continue in ForeGround OR:
+ ' bg ' == Continue as BackGround process (See " jobs " command for
' <command> & ' == Run cmd as BG process
' command 2>stderroutfile ' == (Literal) Redirect standard error
output to file 'stderroutfile'
+ Example: ' startx 2>~/StartXErrors ' == Start X windows, and put
all error messages in a file named ' StartXErrors ' in your Home
' longcommandlinepart1 \ <enter> | |
continuecommandline \ <enter> | |
continuedtoend ' <enter> | == Append ' \ <Enter>' to the end of the command you are currently entering, to continue as one long command. |
505 [dave ~]$ history \ | |
|grep "ls" \ | |
>lshistory <Enter> | == Grab all occurrences of "ls" in your Bash command history, and write the output to file "lshistory" in your current directory. |
Shift-ScrollLock == Memory info (Linux kernel hotkey)
Ctrl-Alt-F1 thru ^~-F7 == Virtual console switch (~F7 is usually Graphics, for X Windows; may vary depending on /etc/inittab.)
Shift-Pgup or Shift-PgDn == Scroll back and forth in console
Alt-RtArrow or Alt-LeftArrow == Virtual console switch
+ (Also use Ctrl-Alt if in XWindows)
' ./<program-name> ' == Exec program that lives in current directory
n=0;while test -$n -gt -10; do echo n=$n; n=$[$n+1]; done | "February, 05:23:23 - You can execute bash command a certain number of times by using something similar to this. That code will print "n=0", "n=1", and so on 10 times. |
for i in $(seq 15) ; do echo $i ; done | Another way of doing it, with the "seq" external command |
' alias ' == Display / define aliases
' alias ls="ls -l" ' == Redefine ' ls ' for Long
listings as default
+ ' unalias rm ' == Removes alias from memory
' cd <dir> ' == Chdir to "dir"
' cd - ' == Cd to the prev dir you were in w/o using POPD
dirs == Print list of remembered PUSHD dirs (Bash)
' echo $PATH ' == What is the PATH var set to?
' echo $[ <mathexpression> ] ' == (Literal) Command-line
+ ' echo $[ 1+2-5*3 ] ' == Example
' echo $PWD ' == What is my current working directory?
' echo [your message here] ' == Print a message on the screen
' export PATH ' == From this point on, make var $PATH
[[case-sensitive]] visible to the environment of any commands and scripts
that this shell / window executes. (Does not carry over into other
windows or virtual terminals.)
history [n] == Display last n commands
+ ' redo <string> ' == Redo last command containing 'string'
+ ' !! ' == re-DO last command
+ ' !<numbergoeshere> ' == DO command # (number from History list)
+ Example:
+ ' !512 ' == Re-DO command #512
' open -c 5 -- su dave -c top ' | == Open virtual console 5, user Dave, exec TOP |
' open -c 12 [-s] -- su -c "tail /var/log/messages -f --lines 50" ' | == Open virt console 12 using Root, Switch to console, monitor Log. |
[ -s ] == Switch active screen to terminal 12 (Optional) |
pwd == Print Working Dir (bash and other shells, including FTP)
pushd == Remember this dir, I may want to POPD back to it later (bash)
popd == Go back to the last pushd (bash)
reset == Reset terminal display
+ ' stty sane ^J ' (don't hit Enter)
+ ' echo ^V<ESC>c ^J '
set == Display all set variables (use ' set |less ')
' setterm -blank 0 ' == Turn off screen saver
+ ' xset s off ' == XWindows equivalent, to be executed from XTerm /
rxvt, etc.
Batch/script args: $1 $2 $* (Think %1, %2, etc in DOS batch parlance)
' cp <source> <target> ' == copy file
+Tip1: " zipi='/mnt/zippy1/installed' " | OR: ' zipi=$PWD ' == (Set var zipi to the current dir) |
+Step2: " cp . $zipi " | == Set variable name ' zipi ' to a directory and copy the files in
your current directory to it |
' cat <file> ' == TYPE file to console, among other things:
' cat <file> | less ' == Pipe file to scrollable Lister
' cat /dev/hda > /dev/hdb ' == Copy one disk to
another (Faster than CP?)
' cat /dev/hda1 > /dev/hdb5 ' == Duplicate a
partition to another disk (partition of the same size or greater)
' cat /dev/fd0 > <image-filename> ' == Grab
floppy contents to an image-file
' cat /dev/fd0 > /dev/hda2 ' == Grab floppy to a disk
partition so you can boot from it (see ' man activate ')
* Explanation of dd: Linux Gazette
Issue 26
' dd if=/dev/fd0 of=quicken_install_disk_1.img bs=1440k
' == Read an entire floppy into an image file
+ Mounting a disk image: See Mount
' dd if=/dev/random of=10bytes.bin bs=10 count=1 ' ==
Read 10 bytes of random data to a file
' dd if=/dev/random of=100bytes.bin bs=10 count=10 ' ==
Read 100 bytes of random data to an image file
' dd if=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1 \ | |
of=/bootsect.drivec ' | == Grab boot sector to file (if=InFile, of=OutFile) |
' dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda count=1 bs=512 && sync ' | == WIPE MBR (Master Boot Record) on first hard drive without using
DOS (Note: YOU WILL have to repartition the disk and use ' fdisk /mbr ' under Windows for it to be able to boot, after this!) |
' dd if=/dev/zero of=cdimage.raw bs=1024k count=650 ' | Zeroes the initial Bigfile |
' /sbin/mke2fs cdimage.raw ' | Reply 'Y' when it says that the file is not a block device. |
' mkdir /mnt/cdburn ' | == If necessary |
' mount -t ext2 -o loop=/dev/loop7,user,suid,exec,rw cdimage.raw /mnt/cdburn ' | == Mounts the raw filesystem image to a loop device (Loopback must
be supported in kernel.) Minor note - you don't *have* to use
loop7. --If you want to make a permanent entry in /etc/fstab for a cdburn image, use something like this: ' /mnt/driveg/cdtemp/image1.raw /mnt/cdburn ext2 loop=/dev/loop7,user,noauto,suid,exec,rw 0 0 ' |
' cd /mnt/cdburn; ls; df ' | CD to the new image, Dir, and display free space. You can now copy your files to the image. |
To unmount the image properly: | |
' cd; umount /mnt/cdburn; losetup -d /dev/loop7 | CD to your home dir, Unmounts image from the loop device, and losetup properly detaches the loop. Otherwise you will get a "device busy" error when you try to unmount the drive during shutdown. |
To write the ext2 filesystem to a CDR(w): | |
' cdrecord -v fs=5120k -eject dev=$CDR_DEVICE speed=$CDR_SPEED -data cdimage.raw ' |
dir == Same as (dir/w) in dos (GNU util)
' file * ' == See which files are exec (ELF), ASCII text, etc
+ Also: ' ls -apF '
gpm == (Daemon) Provides cut & paste between TEXT consoles only
(not X)
+ Left mouse button = Select
+ Right mouse button = Paste
' head <file> ' == List first 10 lines of file
+ ' tail <file> ' == Last 10 lines of file (good for
/var/log/messages, etc)
' less <filename> ' == A better "MORE" command; use ' / ' to
search, 'b'=PgUp
' ln <existingfile> <yournewname> ' == Create SymLink
to file in your new dir
' ln <origdir> <existingaliasdir> -sfn ' == Replace
existing Link
+ Example:
+ ' ln /usr/src/linux-2.2.3 /usr/src/linux -sfn '
' locate <filename> ' == Search system DB for file (see 'updatedb')
' lpr <filename> ' == print file
' lpq -a ' == Spool status
' lprm <jobnum> ' == Cancel print job
ls == List (DIR); Permissions on Left are
Owner,Group,All other users
+ ' ls -al ' == List All files, long form (Same as ' vdir ')
+ ' ls | more ' OR ' ls | less ' == (Less
provides PgUp; '/'=Search (Pgup='b'))
+ The ' ls -l ' ( LS -L ) output format:
+ 1 + 1234567890 (UID) (GID) (or Node) + drwxr-xr-x 9999 Owner Group Size Date Time Filename + + d == Directory + l == Link (Symlink) to another file + r == Read access for User / Owner (see 'chmod') + w == Write access for User / Owner + x == User is able to eXecute (run) this file + r == Read for Group + w == Write for Group + x == eXec for Group + r == Read for All other users * w == Write for All other users + x == eXec for All other users + (Other values in column 1) + c == Character mode device + b == Block device + p == Pipe? + s == Socket?
' mimencode -u -o <outfile> <infile> ' == Translate
MIME encoded file to straight-text.
+ (Take ALL hdrs, etc out except for the actual encoded txt before using this
' mv <file1> <file2> ' == Move / Rename
' mv boot/boot/* /boot ' == Move duplicate dir (from botched restore
or copy) to absolute-dir
rm == Delete file (ReMove)
" rm -- '<file>' " == (Literal: Include ' ' quotes) Remove any
' rm ./<filename> ' == Remove filename with illegal chars
' tail -f --lines 50 <filename> ' == Follow (loop) the last 50 lines of file
vdir == Same as ' ls -l ' (GNU util)
' watch -n 5 ls -l /mnt/zippy1 ' == CLS and redo
<command> every 5 seconds
chgrp == Give file access to Group
' chgrp -cvR <groupname> <file1> [ <file*> ] ' ==
Allow Group access to file(s)
+ ('R' is Recursive, also for the following cmds)
chmod == Modify file attributes for:
+ User, Group, AllOtherusers (non-group), or Allusers
+ Note: For readability, '.' in the LS example stands for any value
+ (Command example does not affect this position)
+ Note: For readability, '-' in the LS example stands for No access
+ (Command example DOES affect this position)
+ Note: For the purposes of brevity, all ' LS '
examples for chmod are assumed ' LS -L '.
' chmod -cv +x <file> ' | == Make Executable for Owner(?) | (LS == ?..x...... ) |
' chmod -cv a+x <file> ' | == Make file executable for All users | (LS == ?..x..x..x ) |
' chmod -cv u+rwx <file> ' | == Make file Read,Write,Exec for User(Owner) | (LS == ?rwx...... ) |
' chmod -cvR g+rwx <file*> ' | == Make files Read,Write,Exec for Group | (LS == ?...rwx... ) |
' chmod -cvR o+rwx <file*> ' | == Give access for AllOther users not in Group | (LS == ?......rwx ) |
' chmod -cvR o-rwx <file*> ' | == Remove access for AllOther users not in Group | (LS == ???????--- ) |
' chmod -cv a-rwx <file*> ' | == Remove ALL access for ALL users except root |
Chmod addendum/shortcut from Glenn Milley:
"Chmod may also be revised or set using an octal value, with a three digit sequence (req'd.), or alternatively with a fourth, leading digit. The relation between the alpha designations and the octal are shown below: ===== ( Optional fourth leading digit: ) s 4 Set user ID (SUID; usually root) on execution s 2 Set group ID on execution t 1 Set sticky bit ===== ( Regular settings: ) r 4 Read \ w 2 Write > Add these together for each position (user,group,other) x 1 execute / Special Characteristics User/Owner Group Others (u) (g) (o) -------------------------------------------------------- 4 (s) 4 4 4 (r-typical) 2 (s) 2 2 2 (w-typical) 1 (t) 1 1 1 (x-typical) Now you just make the selections and add the values in the appropriate column, e.g., chmod 4755 <file1> is the same as, + chmod u=srwx,g=rx,o=rx <file1> To set Read,Write,Execute for userid only on a file and deny all other access: + chmod 700 <file> Note that the "=" sign defines permissions, a "+" would add and a "-" remove."
******** Further explanation: Security portal
chown == Give ownership of file away (Change Owner)
' chown -cvR <newowner> <file1> [file2] [file*] '
' chown -cvR djbechte.wheel <files*> ' == Give djbechte in group
wheel ownership of files* in this dir and subdirs
1a. ' chgrp -cvR wheel /bin/AfterStep ' == Give group 'wheel' ownership of AfterStep directory and subdirs
1b. ' chown -cvR root.wheel AfterStep ' == Root still owns, wheel group can access
2. ' chmod -cvR g+rw AfterStep ' == Give Group Read/Write
access to A.S.
jobs == Status of running jobs (background)
+ ' kill %1 ' == Kill job #1 from JOBS list
+ ' fg %n ' == Bring job #n to foreground (can also do 'bg')
' kill <pid> ' == Kill process
' kill -9 <pid> ' == Force process
' kill -l ' == Print list of Kill Signals
ps == Process status
+ Note: Don't use ' - ' before PS options on Linux anymore (new BSD syntax)
' ps ax ' == See ALL processes on sys
' ps ax | grep <programname> ' == See if program is
' ps eww <pid> ' == See entire command line for Process
* (Can use more 'w's if necessary to see Entire cmd line)
nice == Run program in BG (Batch); can also set priority
' nice top -d 10 ' == Run "top" process monitor, update 10 secs
' nohup <program / command> >
/dev/null & ' == Run (command or program) in background, send
output to /dev/null or other file, and continue running even if user logs
off; (see man page)
+ ' disown -h jobnumber ' == Running job ("%1" or the like) is
not removed from the ' jobs ' table but the job will not
terminate if the current shell logs off or receives a SIGHUP.
+ ' disown -ar ' == All Running jobs will not terminate if the current
shell logs off or receives a SIGHUP. (See ' man bash ' and /disown.)
' adduser <username> ' == Create new user in /home directory
+ ' passwd <username> ' == Change passwd for user (ROOT)
' crontabs -e ' == Edit CRON timetable for scheduled events (ROOT)
df == Disk free space
du == Disk usage
+ ' du /usr -h ' == See disk usage for specific directory /
mount point, in Human-readable (Kilobytes) format
+ ' du -s | sort -rn | head -10 ' == Find the disk
dmesg == Look at kernel boot-log messages
' fdisk -l ' == List all partitions (ROOT)
' mkdir /mnt/newdrive ' | == Make temp dir |
. | |
' for i in / /usr /home; do ' | |
' cp -pax $i /mnt/newdrive ' | |
' done ' | == Copy three directories from one drive to another (useful for new drive install) |
free == Memory display (Also use local MEM cmd)
+ OR: ' cat /proc/meminfo '
e2fsck == ext2 filesystem chk (umount or mount read-only first!)
fsck == CHKDSK (ROOT)
' fuser -n /dev/dsp ' == Find out who's using / tying up the
sound device
+' lsof | grep /mnt/drived ' == Find out who's accessing
' hdparm /dev/hdc ' == Display drive geometry (ROOT)
kill == See "Process / Job Mgmt"
' last <userid> ' == See when <user> logged in last /
is logged in
lsmod == List loaded kernel modules (ROOT)
+ ' modprobe ppa ' == Insert module
"/lib/modules/2.4.20-xfs/kernel/drivers/scsi/ppa" into kernel (Note: '
insmod ' is deprecated.)
+ rmmod == Remove loaded module dynamically
+ ' /sbin/modprobe -l ' == List available modules
+ ' depmod -a ' == Resolve module dependencies
' mke2fs -c -m1 /dev/hdc1 ' == Format partition with EXT2
* (FDISK /dev/hdc 1st!) (ROOT)
' mkbootdisk <kernel.version.number> ' == Make kernel boot disk
on floppy
+ ' make zdisk ' == From /usr/src - makes from kernel source
' mount /mnt/cdrom ' == Look in
/etc/fstab for cdrom and mount it
' mount -a ' == Mount all filesystems in /etc/fstab that are not
marked with the "noauto" option
' mount imagefile.img /mnt/tmp -t msdos -o loop ' ==
Mount a disk image file
' mount -t <msdos / vfat / minix / ext2 / iso9660> \ | |
/dev/xxx /mountpoint [-o ro,exec,sync] ' | == Mount syntax |
mtools == MSDOS Disk tools; format, etc:
+ mattrib
+ mbadblocks <drive:> == Check for bad blocks
+ mcd == CD
+ mcopy == Copy
+ mdel
+ mdeltree
+ mdir
+ mdu == Disk usage
+ mformat
+ mkmanifest == Translate Unix long filenames to MSDOS using packing-list
+ minfo == Print params of Dos filesystem (can use with Mformat)
+ mlabel
+ mmd == MakeDir
+ mmove
+ mpartition (non-Linux systems)
+ mrd == Rmdir
+ mren == Rename
+ mshowfat == Show FAT entries for file
+ mtype == Type to console
+ xcopy == (Kludge for now)
' nice <program> ' == Start program with low CPU requirements
/ priority
' nice -1 <program> ' == As root, Start program with
HIGH CPU priority
renice == Adjust process priority
' renice +1 <pid> ' == Lower priority of pid
' renice +1 -u spoogeboy ' == Lower priority of all processes owned by
' renice +1 -u spoogeboy -p <pid> -u goovbol -p <pid> ' ==
Alternate between usernames and pids
rehash == Update internal hash exec tables (*MAY no longer be supported - ?)
su [userid] == Defaults to ROOT; type EXIT when done == SuperUser /
+ ' su - ' == Switch User to ROOT, acts just like a "login" and sets
up environment; type EXIT when done
top == Glance-like interactive CPU usage
' updatedb & ' == Refresh system db for locations of all files (see 'locate')
whoami == ID current user
glint == X windows frontend to RPM (and BOY does it SUCK)
kpackage == KDE package manager
Tip: Instead of typing something like " RPM -i
dosemu.arch.i386.rpm ", you can instead type:
+ " rpm -i dosemu*.rpm ".
How to INSTALL packages:
+ ' rpm -i --percent --replacefiles <pkgname / package*> '
* == Install package (dosemu.blah.rpm)
How to UPGRADE packages:
+ ' rpm -Uv --percent <pkgname> '
++ ' [ --oldpackage ] ' == Add this switch to allow older pkg to replace
++ ' [ --replacepkgs ] ' == Add to Force RPM to upgrade
How to UNINSTALL packages:
+ ' rpm -e <pkg> ' == Uninstall <dosemu>, not "
dosemu.ver.arch.rpm "!!
+ ' rpm -e --nodeps <pkg> ' == Uninstall and forget
+ ' rpm -e -vv --test <pkg> ' == Simulate uninstall
+ (-vv=Print out all debug info)
How to QUERY packages:
+ ' rpm -q ' == Query package(s)
+ ' rpm -qi <pkg> ' == Detailed pkg info
+ ' rpm -qa | less ' == Query ALL installed packages
+ ' rpm -qail > ~/Allpkginfo ' == List all installed
packages, their descriptions, and all files in the package to a file
+ ' rpm -qip * ' == Query ALL packages whether installed or not (you
should be in the CDROM RPM dir for this)
' rpm --rebuilddb ' == Rebuild RPM database
Note: ' gzip -9 gives similar results to ' bzip2 ', and runs MUCH faster.
Bzip2 home page: Here
' bzip2 -cd file.tar.bz2 | tar tvf - ' == View the
contents of a bzip2 file
' bzip2 -cd file.tar.bz2 | tar xvf - ' == Extract files
from bzip2
' bzip2 -zv9 filename ' == Compress file and MOVE it into a
.BZ2 (use ' bzcat ' if you need to read/pipe it)
' cd <sourcedir> ' | == Get to the dir you want to make a backup of |
' tar -cv . | bzip2 > tarfile.tar.bz2 ' | == Create tar image of current dir, pipe it to bzip2, route output to filename |
' bzip2 -cd tarfile.bz2 | tar tfv - > tarname.LIST' | == List files in tar.bz2 verbosely to tarname.LIST file |
' gunzip <archive> ' == Careful with this, it uncompresses
the .gz and leaves tar!
+ (This is usually not necessarily what you want. You're better off
+ redirecting tar.gz output to a pipe.)
' gzip -l <archive> ' == List the tar filename contained in
' gzip -cd <tarfile.tar.gz> |tar tf - ' == List files in
' tar -tz -f <archive.tar.gz> >files.list ' == List
files in archive to output-file
' tar -tvf <tarfile.bz2> --use-compress-program bzip2 '
== Use bzip2 instead of gzip and list files verbosely
' unzip -lc no\*.zip \*.it ' | == Unzip all " .it " (Impulse Tracker) files in all " no*.zip " files (such as NOISE music to the current directory. (Need to use ' \ ' as an escape char so shell (bash?) does not expand the '*' and send files to the unzip program, but lets the unzip program handle wildcard expansion instead.) |
+ Explanation from Portico: "April, 18:38:55 - If you are using the unzip program, and are trying to unzip multiple files at one time, you will notice that this does not work: ' unzip *.zip '. The reason that does not work is because your shell is handling the '*' for you, and passing all those file names to unzip, which unzip does not want. The correct way to do this would be " unzip '*.zip' " since unzip will handle wildcard expansion for you." |
' cd <dir1> ' |
' tar cfv - . | (cd <dir2>;tar xf -) ' |
Tip: You should usually be ROOT to install software. | |
' tar -tzf <yourtar>.tar.gz |less ' | == Check contents for dir structure (or use MC) |
' cd <dirtoinstallto> ' | == (Usually /usr/local/src for source code, or /usr/local/bin for binaries.) I usually install to /tmp/install at first. |
' tar xzf <yourtar>.tar.gz ' | == Extract |
' cd <newsoftwaredir> ' | |
' less README ' | |
' ./configure ' | |
' make install ' |
' cd <newdir> ' | |
' tar zxv -f <tarfile> ' | == Untar existing tarball to current dir; |
* ( OR: ) * | |
' tar -xzv -f <archive> <root/*> ' | == Example using specific dir in archive |
If ' pwd ' = /rootski, the resulting files are put in /rootski/root/* -- so rename dirs as necessary |
' init 1 ' | == And wait until you are in single-user mode |
' tar -cpzhvX /Excluded.from.bkp.list -f fullbkp19990101.tar.gz / ' | ' -c ' == Create new archive |
' -p ' == Same permissions | |
' -z ' == Use gzip | |
' -h ' == Backup symlinked files, not just their links (Optional) | |
' -v ' == Verbose | |
' -X ' == Exclude files contained in following name | |
' gzip -t fullbkp*.tar.gz ' == Test archive |
' cd / ' |
' tar -xzvp --checkpoint --same-owner -f fullbkp*.gz \ |
--files-from /RestoreThese ' |
' tar -cpz /usr/local/netscape > /mnt/zippy1/netscapebkp.tar.gz ' | ' -c ' == Create new tar |
' -p ' == Same permissions | |
' -P ' == Absolute paths | |
' -z ' == Use Gzip |
' tar -cp --use-compress-program bzip2 -f /mnt/zippy1/bootdir.tar.bz2 /boot/* ' | == Traditional Dos-like syntax |
** OR: ** | |
' tar -cpv /boot/* | bzip2 > /mnt/zippy1/bootdir.tar.bz2 | == Same result, only the -cpv lists the files as they go |
' tar tf /mnt/zippy1/bootdir.tar.bz2 --use-compress-program bzip2 ' | == List files in the new archive |
** OR: ** | |
' bzip2 -cd /mnt/zippy1/bootdir.tar.bz2 | tar tfv - ' | == Same result |
' zip -9r <archivename> <dir1 / file1> ' | == Zip using max compress, Recurse dirs (Not recommended for Linux files; only TAR can keep permissions - but works fine for FAT32) |
' tar cvf <dir> | zip -9 archivename - ' | == This is probably what you want to do instead. It uses tar to store files and recurse dirs, but stores the big tarfile in a .ZIP with maximum compression |
' unzip -p archivename | tar xf - ' | == Unzip to Pipe (stdout) and use tar to extract the files |
' zip -l ' | == Translate Linux LF to MSDOS CR+LF |
' zip -ll ' | == Translate CR+LF to LF |
Example: | |
' cat infile |zip -ll - - |funzip >newfile | ' == Translate MSDOS CR+LF to LF |
connect == Connect via PPP using local alias (This is only for my
machine; *I* use this doc as a Reference, too :)
' ifconfig ' == Display networking devices such as eth0, ppp0
' /bin/netstat -rn ' == Use if ' route ' fails to return a display
' /usr/bin/nslookup <IP addr / hostname> ' == Resolve IP addr to hostname / vice versa
' /bin/ping <> ' == Test response time /
+ ' ping altavista.digital.com/ ' == Ping
' /usr/sbin/traceroute <IP addr / hostname> ' == Display all hops between you and dest
PPP login script name: ' /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/chat-ppp0 '
' netcat -l -p 32121 < filename ' == Server side ==
Listen on port 32121 and upload FILE to that socket when something connects
to it
+ Remote side: Point browser to http://serverside:32121, and the file
will be downloaded to the browser! You will have to give it a name
' netcat -l -p 32121 > filename ' == Server side ==
Listen on port 32121 and output whatever connects to it to FILE
+ ' cat filename | netcat -w 2 serverside 32121
' == Send FILE to remote box without FTP :)
' netcat -l -p 32100 > | tar xvpf - ' == Server side ==
Listen on port 32100 and extract the connecting output as a tar file
+ ' tar cpf - directory | netcat -w 2
serverside 32100 ' == Send tar FILE to remote box and have it
extracted on the other side
' /bin ' == Most commonly used essential user programs
+ Shells(bash, ksh), cp, mv, ln,
tar, Editors, mount, dd, uname, hostname
' /boot ' == Boot information
' /dev ' == Devices
' /etc ' == Systemwide configuration files
' /etc/skel ' == Adduser skeleton files
' /lib ' == System libraries
' /lost+found ' == Files recovered from fsck
' /mnt ' == Mount point for removable disks
' /proc ' == Special directory with sys info
' /root/bin OR /user/xxx/bin ' == Put shell scripts here, use CHMOD +X
' /sbin ' == Essential sysadmin programs
+ (fsck, fdisk, shutdown, lilo)
' /tmp ' == Throwaway files; also start point for installing progs
' /usr/doc ' == Where DOCumentation lives
' /usr/bin ' == Vast majority of installed execs
' /usr/doc ' == Documentation
' /usr/doc/HOWTO ' == Where the HOWTO's live
' /usr/info ' == GNU Info files
' /usr/lib ' == Additional libraries
' /usr/local ' == Files generally not supplied by the distribution
' /usr/local/bin ' == Exec Files installed locally
' /usr/opt ' == Optional packages installed here
' /usr/share ' == Shared files
' /usr/sbin ' == Additional system progs
' /usr/src ' == Source code dirs
' /usr/X11R6/lib/X11 ' == Location of Xwindows cfg file
' /var ' == Variable-information files
' /var/lock ' == Lock files for executing progs
' /var/log ' == Log files
' /var/spool ' == Spoolfiles
' /var/spool/mail ' == User mailbox files
' /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit ' == Execute this ONCE at bootup; fsck, mounts,
' /etc/rc.d/rc.local ' == Autoexec after all other inits; write login
' /etc/profile ' == Global cfg; Systemwide shell init (PATH, PS1) Keep
' /etc/motd ' == Message of the day
' /etc/fstab ' == File system / mount table
' /etc/lilo.conf ' == LILO configuration file
' /home/dave/.bashrc ' == Shell aliases for local user "dave"
' /etc/bashrc ' == Global aliases
' /root/.bashrc ' == Root's aliases
' /etc/shells ' == Approved shells that users can use
' /usr/src/linux ' == Soft symlink to current kernel
' /usr/src/linux/drivers/scsi/README.ppa ' == Zippy driver info
' /etc/services ' == Show which ports are used
' /proc/interrupts ' == Show which IRQ's in use (can only use cat or
more to read)
' /var/lib/locatedb ' == This is where the "updatedb" script stores
its results
' /var/log/dmesg ' == Messages displayed when system was last booted
' /var/log/messages ' == Check for PPP connect, general system msgs
+ Trim it every so often, it keeps growing!!
' /usr/src/Newkernel / XNewkernel ' == Recompile kernel (Local alias)
' /usr/share/afterstep ' == Afterstep config file location
/sbin: (CRITICAL System files)
' badblocks -c 64 -s -v /dev/hdc1 ' == Scan a /dev for
bad sectors
dump == System backup (DEPRECATED - use tar!)
e2fsck == File system chk for EXT2
+ ' reiserfsck ' == File system chk for Reiserfs
halt == Bring sys down nicely
init == Needed for halt, reboot, shutdown
lilo == LInux LOader == Boot system
lsmod == List active modules
mkfs == (Format)
mke2fs == Format a drive for EXT2 filesystem
mkswap == Activate swap space
shutdown == Bring system down / schedule a time for shutdown
' SVGATextMode ' == ' stm ' (Alias)
+ ' stm -s ' == Scan for valid modes
+ ' stm -o ' == Reset screen to valid state
+ ' setfont alt-8x8 '
+ ' setfont cp850-8x8 '
+ ' setfont cyr_a8x8 '
+ ' setfont cyr_a8x14 '
+ ' setfont cyr_a8x16 '
+ ' setfont cyr_a8x32 '
+ ' setfont gr8x6 ' == Almost unreadable, but Max Text on da
logrotate == Switch /var/log/messages
pppd == PPP daemon
pppstats == Looping printout of send/receive
cjpeg == Convert img to JPEG
convert == All purpose img converter
display == Img viewer
dos == DOSEMU; .CFG in ' /etc/dosemu.conf '
* allow access for user: ' /etc/dosemu.users '
emacs == Editor that has, among other things, a 'dired' like M.C.
gzexe == Compress executable file in-place, decomp to mem when run
joe == Almost-wordstar editor
jpico == PICO interface to JOE
jstar == *** Preferred editor
jpegtran == Cvert JPEG to "progressive image download" with NO LOSS
pstree == Show directory tree
vi == Editor
(Local Installs by me:)
asWedit == HTML X editor
eject /dev/hdc == Eject Sparq / CDROM
mikitux == .IT player
xcdroast == CD burner
Ctrl-Alt-'+' == Next higher resolution
Ctrl-Alt-Bkspc == Emergency Exit
Ctrl-Alt-Shift-Arrow == Move around in virtual desktops
' startx ' == Start X windows shell (don't use &)
+ ' startx -- :0 ' == (default) Start first instance of X window
+ ' startx -- :1 ' == Start second X window on (Alt-F8), can be diff
+ ( Startx runs .xinitrc, or /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit, + then .Xclients, or /etc/X11/xinit/Xclients )+
' import -display localhost:0.0 -window root screenshot.jpg
' -- If you have ImageMagick installed, this takes a screenshot of your root
X display. (Use from a text VC such as alt-F2.)
' Xconfigurator ' == X Windows setup prog (Case sensitive!)
' netscape ' == Start netscape using alias (/usr/local/netscape/netscape)
' xlock -nolock <-inroot> -mode <modex> ' == Start
+ Good modex: bouboule, bat, eyes, flag, galaxy, geometry, hyper<cube>, + world, worm, kaleid, lissie, lightning, maze, mountain, + penrose, pyro, qix, spiral, star, slip, swarm
' xset s off ' == Turn off screen saver for X
' xv -root -max -quit <yyy.jpg> ' == Set X background pic,
+ ( Without ' -max ' == Tile )
+ ' [-random <dir>/*.gif] ' == Pic at random
+ ' [-ncols 16] ' == Limit to 16 colors
+ ' [rmode -1] ' == Tile
+ ' [rmode -2] ' == Mirrored tile
+ ' [rmode -4] ' == Centered tile
+ ' [rmode -6] ' == Centered Warp
Video chipset for GB3D: CL-GD546x (4) Meg of RAM (Cirrus chipset)
' cd /usr/src '
' mkdir linux-2.4.1 ' == (Whatever kernel #)
' ln linux-2.4.1 linux -sfn ' == Create/update
symlink to point to new src
' tar xzvf linux-2.4.1.tar.gz ' == Extract entire source
tree using gzip
[*** Patching:
0. [ mv patchfile.tgz /usr/src ] == Not necessary, but might be useful to keep all patches in the src directory 1. cd /usr/src 2. gzip -cd patch-xx.gz | patch -p0 == This way you don't have to uncompress the patch. (If it prompts for which file to patch and the dir is sparc,alpha, etc: Just press Enter and then Y to skip patch) 3. Repeat the 'gzip' (#2) step for each patch in sequential order (2.4.1, 2.4.2, etc.) 4. When done patching: ' mv linux-2.4.1 linux-2.4.8 ' == Rename original dir to latest patch version 5. ' cd /usr/src ' 6 ' ln linux-2.4.9 linux -sfn ' == Re-make soft symlink (Use latest patch version instead of 2.4.1)<
' cd /usr/src/linux ' == Linux=Symlink to
' make mrproper ' == OPTIONAL - only if you want to start fresh!
' make <config / menuconfig / xconfig> '
* ( xconfig files are saved in /usr/src/linux )
' mkdir /lib/modules/<kernelver>.old ' (2.4.19.old)
' cd /lib/modules '
' mv 2.4.19 2.4.19.old ' == Keep backup copy of
' mkdir <newkernel#> ' (such as 2.4.20)
' ln <kernelver> preferred -sfn '
' cd - ' == Back to /usr/src/linux
' time make dep && time make bzImage &&
time make modules && time make modules_install '
' depmod -a * ' == Resolve modules
' /usr/sbin/mkinitrd --ifneeded -v /boot/initrd-2.4.1.img
+ You may have to copy some .o files from /usr/src/linux/drivers
+ /lib/modules/preferred if the mkinitrd fails.
' cd /boot '
' ln initrd-2.4.1.img initrd -sfn '
' cd /usr/src/linux '
' cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.1 ' == New
kernel #
+ (Old method: Fullpath) ' cp /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage
/boot/vmlinuz-2.4.1 '
' cp System.map /boot/System.map-2.4.1 '
' cd /boot '
' ln vmlinuz-2.4.xx-whatever vmlinuz -sfn ' == Symlink
' ln System.map-2.4.xx-whatever System.map -sfn '
[ edit /etc/lilo.conf ] == If necessary, make sure you can boot to old kernel
' /sbin/lilo -v=2 ' == You should see "Writing boot sector." at
the end - if not, ERROR!!
+ You can use ' lilo -v=2 -b /dev/fd0 ' to write the Lilo
bootsector to a floppy disk.
' reboot ' == ( shutdown -r now )
Linux Tips - Tips for Linux/Unix users and newbies Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 David J Bechtel This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
This document was converted with the help of txt2html and asWedit. I have
also used Bluefish for Linux to modify it.
My thanks to the authors.